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Sexual Care Therapy & Normalize Sexual Life / Bourne Ex Capsules

Rs: 1600   1600    0 Rs. off ( 1 Box (10x10 Capsules))                 Rs: 1600

"Born To Have The X Factor In Life"

 Apart from improvement in sexual functioning, it helps in rejuvenation of all body systems and acts as a energizer for the body.

We have been receiving rave reviews for Bourne-ex from all over the country and we are sure to get such review from you after a 2 months trial of Bourne-ex.

Sr No.Indian NameLatin NameQuantityUses
1Shudh shilajitAsphaltum20 mgIncrease sexual power & semen, control many diseases
2Vang BhasmaStannum25 mgDiuretic & urinary antiseptic. Used in urinary disorders and general debility
3Moonga BhasmaCoralium Rubrum10 mgControl acidity
4Moosli SafedAsparagus adscendens10 mgIncrease sexual power & bone marrow
5Moosli KaliCurculigo Orchioides10 mgIncrease Semen
6AsgandhWithania Somnifera20 mgIncrease physical power, increase hemoglobin
7Behman LalSalvia Bemotodes10 mgIncrease sexual power
8Behman SafedCentaurea Bhehan10 mgIncrease sexual power
9AonwlaPhyiakhus Amblica20 mgIncrease stamina, natural source of Vitamin C
10Ootangan Ke BeejBlepharis Edulis20 mgIncrease Semen
11KonchMucuna Prurita10 mgIncrease sexual power, remove impotency
12Swarnamakshik BhasmaCreragallica purificate10 mgIncrease sexual power, prostatorrhoea
13Loh BhasmaFerrum10 mgSource of Iron, Increase sexual power
14Bidari KandPueraria Tuberosa10 mgConcentrate Semen
15Bansh LochanBambuna Arundinacea10 mgRemove deficiency of calcium
16Kali MirchPiper Nigrum10 mgDigestive antiseptic
17LongEngenia Caryophylluis10 mgAntiseptic
18Shudh KuchlaSirychnos Nux vomica25 mgIncrease sexual power & stimulate sexual organs
19Lodh PathaniSymplocos racemosa10 mgIncrease duration
20PanjasalamEulophia Compestris10 mgIncrease semen, remove impotency
21ShatavarAsparagus racemosus20 mgSexual senils & seminal debility
22JaiphalMurostoca Fragrans10 mgIncrease duration
23JabitriMyristica fragrans10 mgIncrease duration
24DalcheeniCinnamonum10 mgIncrease semen
25MulethiGlycyrrhizaglabra10 mgCough, cold & impotency;
26Chhoti PipalPipal Longum10 mgIncrease digestion remove gastric problem
27Giloy SatvaTisuos porad Corifolia10 mgIncrease digestion
28TejpatCuinamodmam Tamala10 mgRemove Impotency
29Ilaichi DanaElettaria Cardamomim10 mgTonic for brain & heart
30Samundra SoshSalyia Piebeia10 mgSpermatorrhoea & prostatorrhoea
31GangeranSida Spinosa10 mgRemove impotency
32GokhruTribulus fructus10 mgIncrease sexual power
33AkarkaraPyrethrum radix10 mgIncrease sexual power & duration gearup
34Abhrak BhasmaMica purificate10 mgTonic & haematinic, Used in chronic asthma, phthisis, old age debility and gives strength to body
35Shankh BhasmaTurbinella rapa10 mgAntiperiodic, carminative & analgesic. Used in colic, flatulence & tympanites.
36SonthZingiber officinates10 mgIncrease digestion
37NagkesarMesua ferrea10 mgSpermatorrhoea
Dosage:1-2 capsules twice daily with water or according to requirement

Note: taking Anaemiacure with orange juice gives better results