Since ancient times, it has been established that it is always better to prevent illness rather than letting it happen. Ayurvedic texts give us a deep insight into the inner realms of a healthy lifestyle. They not only define the diet regime for a healthy person but also the role of exercise, yoga, pranayama, and many other day-to-day activities. Over the years, these principles have evolved to become more apt in the current scenario. Even the western world has now acknowledged the influence of Ayurvedic principles in one’s life.

Healthy Diet
A diet should always be based on the following parameters:

Diet Composition
One other factor that has remained a matter of great debate worldwide

Eating practices to be Avoided
Overeating. Too much water or no water during a meal.

Body Clock
The body's biological clock is regulated by the doshas.

Meditation and Body
Psyche and soma are inseparable. If one is psychologically disturbed,

Exercise and Ayurveda
Regular exercise increases the body's stamina and resistance to disease