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Energic-31 Capsule | Shudh Shilajeet | Strength and Stamina | Physical Weakness

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A complete health tonic that keeps everyone Fit, Fresh and Energetic.

◈ Helps to remove sexual diability, spermatorrhoea, prostatorrhoea and excessive nightfalls.

◈ Removes stress and strain.

◈ Improves Digestive System and Boost Immunity.

◈ Improves the resistance power and stamina.

◈ Removes all types of Physical weakness.

Original price was: ₹748.00.Current price is: ₹680.00.

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” पौरुष शक्ति बढ़ाए अनेक रोगो से बचाए “

A Superior Herbal Tonic for Energy & Vitality

A blend of 31 natural and highly potent herbs. Energic-31 is a unique combination which serves to overcome many disorders and health related problems.

The Ultimate Guide to Unleashing Energy: 31 Techniques for a Vibrant Life

Energic-31 is an herbal tonic for energy & vitality. It is a super power formula supplement which gives you real energy and makes you more energetic from inside. The natural ingredients present in ENERGIC-31 have direct references in the ancient Indian literature and also have proven clinical usefulness. The majority of the ingredients in this supplement are plant derived herbs. Herbal formulations are generally multicomponent and are mostly based on the concept that such combinations provide more synergistic therapeutic effects and eliminate any undesirable effects (Charaka).

For the past 30 years Energic-31 has been the most trusted and valued brand of our company. The rave reviews and valuable feedbacks of the users have inspired us to uphold the quality of our products to the best international standards.

ENERGIC-31 comes in total 100% vegetarian capsules. It is preservative free and perfect genetically modified organisms (GMO) free. It has no ethylene oxide and no peroxide, with no sulfites and no EDTA.
In addition to being an immense energy booster, it helps in removing the anxiety problems, tension, and insomnia disease. The energy, vigor and vitality that actually comes with this is better realized then expressed in words explained here. ENERGIC-31 is 100% safe to use and in fact will not affect any type of medication that you are using at the moment. This all natural product provokes a sense of well-being and promotes the great energy for daily activities.

Why ENERGIC-31 according to time honored traditional herbal system?

The rejuvenating herbs present here in are anti-stress agents, aphrodisiac in action and effectively act as a general body tonic. These are the accepted sources of all the minerals that required by body and their regular use strengthens the overall body system and boosts up the immune system. These are helpful in urogenital and semen disorders like oligospermia. These herbs actually also good for Pitta (fire) because of its pitta pacifying agents, and are best used for premature ejaculation, impotency, spermatorrhea and other semen disorders. The combination is also helpful in age related muscular degeneration and it increases vigor.

Possible Indications

ENERGIC-31 is a unique high energy and vitality formula that contains essential herbal ingredients put together in the optimum herbal traditions. It greatly helps restore energy and vitality. It is really effective way to light fatigue & general debility. The herbal energy that contained in the capsules recharges the overall body with energy fitness, vigour and vitality. It builds up the stamina, resistance, greatly tones up nervous system.

It is a natural vitalizer and energizer, improves immunity, stamina, strength, vigor and vitality, maintains general health and reduces physical and mental tiredness. It is useful in body pains and head-aches. It improves immunity and almost all the systems of the body including kidney, liver, nervous system, brain functioning, blood circulation, musculoskeletal functioning and many others. It provides better sugar control, lipid control and blood pressure control

It serves to rejuvenate the whole body and slows down the ageing process. It acts as a Non steroidal extra source of energy for players. It helps regaining energy during convalescence after fever, pregnancy, trauma or prolonged fatigue. It is helpful in rejuvenation from fatigue after a long walk like pilgrimages.

Recommended Usage

Adults: One capsule twice on a daily basis ENERGIC-31 capsules are taken by oral route & swallowed with the use of milk.

Foods to Favour

Rice along with the milk, black gram (lentil) soup, eggs, fresh vegetables, fruit, chicken and milk.

Foods to Avoid

Fried and spicy fatty meals, late night dinner, or junk food, alcohol, smoking and stressful conditions Don’t take excessive salty and other acidic foods.


ENERGIC-31 can be used on a regular basis without causing any adverse side effect. It is non-habit forming and also non-narcotic.


No special precaution is needed for use of this formula. In case a person is already suffering from any disease or other disorder or ailment it is advised to take ENERGIC-31 after consulting the physician. It is advised that during pregnancy & lactation or person with high blood pressure, the physician should be consulted before taking this.supplement. Store in a cool, dark and dry place at room temperature. Keep out of reach of children.


Any Hypersensitivity reaction known with any of the components of Energic-31.

Benefits of Energic-31:

➛ Improves the resistance power and stamina

➛ Improves health, strength, vigor and vitality

➛ Enhances digestive system

➛ Increases RBC.

➛ In general weakness, its giving extra energy to players

➛ In physical and the mental tiredness

➛ In body pains and the head-aches

➛ Improves the total function of all internal systems of the body.

➛ Controls diabetes

➛ Controls blood cholesterol

➛ Normalize the blood pressure (hypotension)

➛ Effective in the kidney infections

➛ Effective in the genito-urinary diseases

➛ Enhances nervous system

➛ Recovers weakness that after fever

➛ Enhances puerperal recovery

➛ Recovers weakness after coitus


Sr No. Indian Name Latin name Quantity Uses
1 Shudh shilajit (Paste) Asphaltum 450 gm. Increases sexual power & semen, controls many diseases
2 Shankh Bhasma Turbinella-rapa 10 .gm Antiperiodic, carminative & analgesic. Used in colic, flatulence & tympanites.
3 Tribang Bhasma 30 mg. Removes impotency, increases sperm
4 Shudh Kupeelu Nux vomica 50 gm. Increases sexual power & stimulates sexual organ
5 Kukkutandtwak Bhasma 20 mg. Antiricketic, tonic & alterrative. Used in rickets, leucorrhoea. Increases the quality of semen, removes night fall
6 Muktashukti Bhasma Ostera edulis 10 mg. Natural source of calcium
7 Swarnamakshik Bhasma Creragallica purificate 10 mg. Increases sexual power, prostatorrhoea
8 Shatavar Asparagus racemosus 20 mg. Effective in sexual senility & seminal debility
9 Konch ke beez Mucuna prurita 10gm. Increases sexual power, removes impotency
10 Asgandh Withania Somnifera 20 mg. Increases sexual power, increases hemoglobin
11 Dalcheeni Cinnamonum 10 mg. Increases duration of sexual activity
12 Nagkesar Mesua ferrea 10 mg. Spermatorrhoea
13 Gokhru Tribulus fructus 10 mg. Increases sexual power
14 Sonth Zingiber officinates 10 mg. Increases digestion
15 Loh Bhasma Ferrum 10 mg. Source of Iron, Increases sexual power
16 Lodh Pathani Symplocos racemosa 10 mg. Increases duration
17 Chhoti Ilaichi Elettana Cardamomim 10 mg. Tonic for brain & heart
18 Jabitri Myristica fragrans 10 mg. Increases duration
19 Suranjan Meetha Merendera persica 10 mg. Increases digestion, removes swelling
20 Bidhara Ipomoea petaloidea 10 mg. Removes impotence & prostatorrhoea
21 Jaiphal Myristica fragrans 10 mg. Increase duration
22 Moosli Safed Asparagus adscendens 10 mg. Increase sexual power & bone marrow
23 Samundra sosh Salyia plebeian 10 mg. Spermatorrhoea & Prostatorrhoea
24 Long Engenia Caryophylluis 10 mg. Antiseptic
25 Babool ka gond Acacia Arabia 10gm . Prostatohrrhoea
26 Talamkhana Hygrophilla astersantha 10 mg. Increases semen quality
27 Chhoti papal Piper longum 10 mg. Increases digestion remove gastric problem
28 Kali mirch Piper Nigrum 10 mg. Digestive, antiseptic
29 Safed Chandan Santalum album 10 mg. Purifies the blood
30 Akarkara Pyrethrum radix 10 mg. Increase sexual power & duration gear up nervous system
31 Konkol Mirch Cubeba sp. 10 mg. Spermatorrhoea & prostatorrhoea

For the past 30 years Energic-31 has been the most trusted and valued brand of our company. The reviews and valuable feedbacks of the users have inspired us to uphold the quality of our products to the best international standards.


1 capsule twice a day with luke warm milk.

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