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Rakta Nikhar Capsules | 1 Box (10×10 Capsules)


Rakta Nikhar Capsule is a herbal blood purifier, anti-bacterial and anti- fungal.It is a secret of beautiful body.

◈  Neutralizes toxins responsible for skin allergies.

◈  Improves Oxygenation level of blood.

◈  Helps to cure Acne, Pimples, Itiching, Eczema & other skin problems.

◈  Normalises Melanin distribution pattern & brings fairness to the skin.

◈ 100% Natural & Powerful  Ayurvedic Blood Purifier.

Original price was: ₹810.00.Current price is: ₹800.00.

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A Powerful Blood Purifier

The extracts of neem (azadirachta indica), chiraita (swertia chirata), manjeeth (rubia munjista), Mulethi (glycyrrbizae radix), Daru Haldi (berberis Aristata), giloy (tinospora Cordifolia) and many others make Rakta nikhar a powerful blood purifier. It serves to cure skin diseases, neutralizes toxins responsible for skin allergies, helps to cure acne, pimples, itching, eczema and improves circulation to all tissues. It normalises melanin distribution pattern, thus improving the fairness It also cures and prevents anemia and thus adds glow to the skin.

Benefits of Rakta Nikhar Capsules

 Purifies blood.

➛ Cures Skin diseases.

➛ Improves Oxygenation level of blood.

➛ Improves Circulation level of blood to all tissues.

➛ Facilitates a healthy tone to the skin.

➛ Prevents and  neutralizes the  toxins responsible for  causing skin allergies.

➛  Normalises Melanin distribution pattern.

➛  Helps to cure Acne,Pimples,itiching, Eczema, Bacterial , Fungal and viral infection on skin & other skin problems.

➛ Helps to move bowl regularity.

➛ Doesnot have any side effects of Toxicity.


Sr No. Scientific name Common Name uses Quantity
1 Neem Ext. Azadirachta Indica Antiseptic, blood purifier 60 mg.
2 Chiraita Ext. Swertia Chirata Antitoxin, indigestion 120 mg.
3 Manjeeth Ext. Rubia Munjista Antitoxin properties 30 mg.
4 Mulethi Ext. Glycyrrbizae Radix Cough, cold & Impotency 60 mg.
5 Daru Haldi Ext. Berberis Aristata Antiseptic, remove swelling of skin 20 mg.
6 Giloy Ext. Tinospora Cordifolia Remove weakness, blood purifier, & so many diseases. 90 mg.
7 Baibidang Embelia Ribes Kill all types of worms, increase mental power 60 mg.
8 Kutki Picrorrhiza Kurrooa Remove indigestion & constipation 60 mg.


  • One capsule twice a day with water


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